domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013


·         Essay: Traditional methodologies are still better than modern methodologies”. Discuss.

Nowadays, there are different methodologies in the education world. However, it is said that for many teachers and other people traditional methodologies are still better than modern methodologies. What do you think about this topic?

On the one hand, teachers use traditional methodologies for many good reasons. First of all, this kind of methodology is easier for them because all the information is in the book. Furthermore, they have more experience with this because they have been educated in this traditional and boring way.

On the other hand, modern methodologies can be very useful. Children can learn in an interesting way, surfing on the Internet or playing games. In addition, there is more interaction between teachers and students. Children can participate and contribute with their ideas too.

In conclusion, in the 21st century there are a lot of methodologies, but I personally believe that modern methodologies are better because they respect the motivation of students. The society of knowledge is changing and methodologies have to change too.

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·         “Email: Write an email to a friend telling him or her about your first year at college”.

Hello Marta,

How are you? I hope you’re well. I haven’t written to you for so long! Sorry, I’ve been very busy with my studies at college. And what about you? Are you working or studying?

I’m writing this email to tell you about my first year at college. As you know, I’m studying to be a teacher at Ibiza University. The experience is fantastic! I’ve met lots of very friendly people too. When I started to go to college, I thought that I wouldn’t have a good time, but it isn’t true.

However, this first year hasn’t been easy. I’ve had to work hard. Also, I haven’t had much time for myself. I’ve been so busy! But guess what? This first year I’ve passed all the subjects. It’s possible. Do you remember when I told you that I couldn’t pass all of them at university last year?

I need to know about you. Hope to see you soon. Give my regards to Michelle. She’s studying to be a teacher too, isn’t she?

Keep in touch,


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